Monday, June 7, 2010

Should We Go Organic?

I have been wrestling with the idea of eating healthier all my life. Over the course of my adult life I've given up beef but the Whopper pulled me back. Then I gave up chicken but recently the Chick-Fil-A wrap pulled me back.(I like fast food.) I've thought a lot about hormones that are given to cattle and chickens (I don't eat pig) and the doubling in size that it's more than likely causing the humans that eat it. I make sure to give my kids organic milk, but I wonder if that's doing enough. (I know I need to start by giving up fast food!)

Recently, I was lamenting the fact that I really don't have (or haven't taken) the time to investigate the whole idea of organic foods and if it's really legit or just a scare tactic when I heard a study showing there may be a link between pesticides and ADD. That pushed me over the edge. I need to really look at this issue and see if it's something I need to be concerned about for my family. I really try to keep most, admittedly not all, of the foods that they eat for the first year organic. But should I continue past that first year? And what about Dave and I? Have we already been harmed by the exposure to pesticides, hormones and antibiotics we've had over the years or can you change those effects by changing now?

So I decided that maybe other people were thinking about the same things or maybe they'd be interested in hearing about what I find as I investigate this for I started a blog. Hopefully I'll be able to find some interesting tid-bits and maybe even get some followers!

Come back soon!

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